Sunday, September 25, 2011

A work week's worth of SF Amy

When I am working I frequently draw SF Amy on my cup so everyone knows that it is my cup. This was one weeks worth of Amys.

The day that Jace won the book crush tournament.

Too tired to be at work

The day I got in trouble for taking writing notes at work.

That one day in a million that I hated everyone.

When I started reading Becca Fitzpatrick's 'Hush Hush' and didn't want to stop

Monday, September 12, 2011

Even Stick-Figures have bad hair days.

It happens sometimes. One day it will keep expanding and eat the world.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Facts of life: One - Children Stare

Sometimes I wait for the entire world to get sucked into their eyes. Like a creepy sticky vacuum.